
The testimonies will be grouped by type of service or type of therapy (e.g. assessment, therapy e.g. Brainspotting, CBT, CFT, IFS, ACT and so on or type of a problem e.g. therapy for trauma, therapy for social anxiety, therapy for OCD etc) and also type of clients: students, professionals, performing artists, doctors, neurodivergent clients etc

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I went to see Maja for help with a complex bereavement: I lost my mum to suicide when I was 13 and felt I hadn’t properly grieved her loss. My experience with Maja was honestly life-changing. Through a combination of brilliant psychotherapy and brain-spotting, Maja helped me to move to a different relationship with my mum. Before, I felt trapped in the past, constantly going over what happened, feeling bitter and angry about it. Maja took me to a new place: where I feel connected to my mum in a beautiful, loving place. Along with that, Maja offered me unconditional support, advice and understood me in a deep way which I have very rarely experienced before. I can’t recommend her highly enough.


Please note this testimonial was sent to Walking with the Wounded – a charity that provides support for veterans that asked Maja to provide therapy for trauma/ complex bereavement for this client (the testimonial is used with permission from the client and the charity)

I would like to start with saying that I own a debt of gratitude for the help that your organization gave me in my time of need.
I was struggling badly after the death of my sister and felt on the edge of breaking down almost daily.
I reached out to my doctor. Who when they found out that I was a veteran, gave me priority access to mental health services.
I was assessed to have mild to moderate PTSD due to my experiences in Northern Ireland in the early 70’s.
You arranged for me to see Maja Jankowska for a 10-week course of therapy. I am writing to you to thank you from the bottom of my heart for directing me to her. Maja immediately put me at ease. She worked through my problems with me and gave me various coping mechanisms and helped me work though my problems and challenged some of my hang ups. Initially I was hesitant about attending, but as time went by I started to look forward to the sessions. I now feel like a normal person again, and was able to deal with the 1st anniversary of her death with no major problems.
Thank you all so much for your help in my time of crisis.


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