Fees & contact

Crisis & Risk Support

Please note we are not a crisis service and we cannot offer any crisis support.

If you are currently experiencing a high level of distress or feel you are in crisis then please contact your GP, dial 999, or if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts contact samaritans freephone number: 116 123 or go to the accident and emergency department at your local hospital

Tailored Support and Guidance



Trial 15-minute session

Please use the calendar below or email.

Your session

Typically, sessions tend to be at the same time each week lasting for 50 minutes.
However, other formats may be recommended at times.


All Chartered Psychologists are bound by the Code Of Conduct and Ethics of the British Psychological Society. This means, amongst other things, that confidentiality is paramount.

Fees and cancellations

Please contact us for current fees.

Fees for health insurance providers may differ from those for self-funding individuals. I am an approved provider for most of the leading health insurance companies such as AXA PPP, Cigna, PWP amongst others.

Cancellation or Non-Attendance Policy

In keeping with standard psychological practice, fees are charged in full unless 48 hours’ notice is given